Special problems arise, however, when an agency acts without issuing any explanation at all for its decision. 但当行政机关对其决定根本没有发布任何解释说明而采取了行动时,一些特别的问题便随之出现。
The first choice of the concrete means is the special judicatory explanation proclaimed by the supreme court, the second one is to modify the State Indemnity Law. 具体的途径选择第一是由最高人民法院发布专门的司法解释。第二是修改国家赔偿法。
The ancients stands side by side this word and debauchery money when using, had not made special explanation. 古人把这个字与酒色财并列使用时,没有作过专门的解释。
EXT-70 extruder is a special device used to produce explosive wire for seismic explanation and pigtail for geophone array. EXT-70挤出机是生产地震炮线、检波器组合软电缆的专用设备。
Special Pareto s effect over container liner market and its economic explanation; 集装箱班轮市场的特别柏累拓效应及其经济学解释(英文)
The specular reflection is a very important linear transformation in Euclidean space, and it has a special geometrical explanation in geometrical space. 镜面反射是欧氏空间中一类很重要的线性变换,在几何空间中有着极其形象的解释。
In this article some glasses which occupied some special performances were described and reasonable choice can be made according to this explanation. 文章列举了一些玻璃的特性,可根据不同的使用要求进行选择。
Cultural definition of customer cannot shed light of the special position of customer and the scare-resource theory provides reasonable explanation of market activities. 传统的顾客定义无法揭示顾客的特殊地位,稀缺资源的理论为营销活动提供了合理的注解。
So, despite of the special performances of hydrophobic association water-soluble polymers solution have a very good explanation, as a network construction of polymer is building up in its solution, it's only a surmise, few evidences are holden. 这种解释虽然非常合理,但有关疏水缔合水溶性聚合物溶液存在微观网络结构的实验证据却非常缺乏。
Then, this part takes a special explanation on the core concept of Taoist theory. 其二对老子思想的核心概念道进行了特别阐释。
Based on the special features of tourism interpretation, this paper discussed the language skills for Japanese interpretation of tourism from the perspectives of Japanese languages and culture which involve self-introduction as attention grabber, explanation with variety and communication in line with Japanese values. 结合导游口译的特点,从日本语言文化关系的角度探讨了日语导游口译的语言技巧:吸引游客的自我介绍技巧;形象、多样、类比的景点解说技巧;
The Seismic attribute analysis technology is always main research content of seismic special handling and the explanation. 地震属性分析技术一直是地震特殊处理和解释的主要研究内容。
Introduces three tools for developing the databases of special collections at libraries, then gives a detailed explanation of their features and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages. 介绍特色馆藏数据库的3种开发工具,详细说明它们的特点,并对它们的优缺点进行了比较和分析。
Every literary critical theory has its own special mode of putting questions and its explanation range is formulated thereby. 每一批评理论与方法都有着其所独具的提问模式,其阐释闰亦由此得被规划。
Is defined on the same probability space(Ω, F, P) if without special explanation. 均定义于同一概率空间(Ω,F,P)。
And the special regulation of the law and explanation of expanding, is the legal basis of solving the problem. 而法律的专门规定和扩展解释,则是解决问题的法律依据。
The paper describes mainly special properties of S~ wave, explains the source of its energy, and presents clearly the full detail physical explanation in the generating mechanism. 主要描述S~波的特殊性质,说明其能量来源,并清晰全面地给出其产生机制的物理解释。
"Mouse plus Concrete" is Peggy Yu's special explanation for China's E-commerce. 鼠标+水泥是俞渝对中国电子商务的独特诠释。
With a large quantity and complex frame of legal clause, special attention should be paid on the system/ frame explanation of constitutes in standard explanation of economic crime. 由于经济犯罪规范数量众多,法条大小系统庞杂,所以在经济犯罪规范解释中应当特别关注构成要件的体系解释。
The particularity of large-section rib waveguide with large refractive index difference in SOI results in some special characteristics distinguished from other waveguides, which need elaborate explanation in theory. SOI材料上大折射率差脊形波导结构的特殊性带来了一些特殊的性质,必须从理论上深入地探讨;
So far, did not have the special research is from superintendent own angle embarking, comes to make the explanation to the financial difficult position origin. 到目前为止,还没有专门的研究是从管理者自身的角度出发,来对财务困境的成因做出解释的。
What needs special explanation is that legal provision to confirm the power of association is not the evidence of law authorization. 需要说明的是,相应法律中对协会权力的确认性规定并不是法律授权的证据。
And the range of this special property is wider than stipulate in legal explanation. 而该类特殊财产的范围也远不止于我国出台的司法解释中所规定的种类。
This paper will focus mainly on the changes of the theory of IMC in concrete application and lay special emphasis on the explanation to the revolutionary transformation in the application of various marketing communication methods resulted from idea transformation in IMC. 本文对这个问题的解决主要是着眼于理论在具体条件下的变化,侧重于解释由于整合营销传播中的观念转换,所引导的对各种营销传播工具在应用过程中的革命性转化。
The authority principle lawsuit pattern most important characteristic is judge ( not special explanation, the article refers to penal judge) the authority investigation, it is distinguishes the UK-US legal system litigant principle and the mainland legal system authority principle key is at. 职权主义诉讼模式最重要的特征是法官(无特别说明,本文均指刑事法官)职权调查,它是区别英美法系当事人主义与大陆法系职权主义的关键所在。
Therefore, we must establish the special animal welfare law and revise criminal law and increases the legal explanation, in order to change the present situation on animal welfare. 为改善我国动物福利的落后现状,需制定专门的动物福利保护法,修改刑法,增加法律解释。
The meaning of the treaty text is always in a constant process of understanding. The text of abstract text can be applied to of the special treaty conflict by text explanation. 条约文本的意义永远处于不断理解的过程之中,通过文本解释可以将抽象的文字应用到具体的条约冲突之中。
Seven, special provisions about the application of law in article 9 of Explanation are good for achieving the purpose of legislation. 七是解释中第9条关于法律适用的特别规定,有利于实现立法目的。
The fifth chapter introduces the Pingyu dialect phonetic change, especially one special phenomenon in light tone: "Qingsheng buqing", and try to make an explanation for it. 第五章主要介绍平舆方言的语流音变,重点介绍了平舆方言轻声当中一种比较特殊的现象:轻声不轻,并尝试为这种现象做出解释。
This is the special explanation of the political figures 'privacy protection. 此章是对政治公众人物隐私权问题进行专项论述。